Name E2 Hawkeye folded wings ShortName E2Wing ItemID 4020 Icon IconE2 Model E2Wing Texture E2 MaxPropellerSpeed 2.7 TakeOffSpeed 99 CameraDistance 20 //0 - Nose propeller, 1 - Inner Wing Propellers, 2 - Outer Wing Propellers, 3 - Inner and Outer Propellers PropSetup 1 //Propeller number, x, y, z. Numbering starts at 0. PropellerPos 0 55 41 84 PropellerPos 1 -55 41 84 //Delays are in ticks or 1/20ths of seconds ShootDelay 5 BombDelay 100 CargoSlots 0 BombSlots 0 Health 2000 CollisionBoxes 0 //Whether or not guns can be placed in these slots AllowWingGuns False AllowNoseGuns False //Next 3 are for large planes only AllowSideGuns False AllowTailGuns False AllowDorsalGun False //Add positions for the pilot controlled guns. That is, nose and wing guns. //AddGunPosition where type is one of the corresponding numbers //0 : Left Nose, 1 : Right Nose, 2 : Left Wing, 3 : Right Wing AddGunPosition 0 -3 11 15 AddGunPosition 1 1 11 15 BombPosition 0 -30 0 TurnLeftSpeed 1.8 TurnRightSpeed 1.8 RollLeftSpeed 1.5 RollRightSpeed 1.5 LookUpSpeed 1.8 LookDownSpeed 1.8 Acceleration 3.5 Decceleration 3.5 FuelTankSize 6000 MaxHeight 256 StartSound propStart StartSoundLength 20 PropSound propSound PropSoundLength 30 ShootSound PlaneShoot BombSound bomb Pilot 9 22 132 Passengers 3 Passenger 0 -9 13 132 0 Passenger 1 -7 9 81 0 Passenger 2 -7 9 41 0 //Recipe BigTable False Propeller metalPropeller Cockpit metalCockpit Wings metalWingSmall Bay passengerBay Tail metalTail //Dyes are None, Black, Red, Green, Brown, Blue, Purple, Cyan, LGrey, Grey, Pink, Lime, Yellow, LBlue, Magenta, Orange, White Dyes White