Name Eurocopter Tiger ShortName EuroTiger ItemID 4006 Icon IconEurotiger Model Eurotiger Texture Eurotiger MaxPropellerSpeed 2 TakeOffSpeed 1.0 CameraDistance 16.0 //0 - Nose propeller, 1 - Inner Wing Propellers, 2 - Outer Wing Propellers, 3 - Inner and Outer Propellers PropSetup 1 //Propeller number, x, y, z. Numbering starts at 0. PropellerPos 0 0 -47 0 PropellerPos 1 -4 38 -92 //Delays are in ticks or 1/20ths of seconds ShootDelay 5 BombDelay 100 CargoSlots 0 BombSlots 0 Health 1600 CollisionBoxes 0 //Whether or not guns can be placed in these slots AllowWingGuns True AllowNoseGuns True //Next 3 are for large planes only AllowSideGuns False AllowTailGuns False AllowDorsalGun False //Add positions for the pilot controlled guns. That is, nose and wing guns. //AddGunPosition where type is one of the corresponding numbers //0 : Left Nose, 1 : Right Nose, 2 : Left Wing, 3 : Right Wing AddGunPosition 0 22 20 18 AddGunPosition 1 -22 20 18 AddGunPosition 2 30 17 16 AddGunPosition 3 -30 17 16 BombPosition -9 -16 -52 TurnLeftSpeed 4 TurnRightSpeed 4 RollLeftSpeed 1 RollRightSpeed 1 LookUpSpeed 2.5 LookDownSpeed 2.5 Acceleration 9 Decceleration 3 FuelTankSize 5500 MaxHeight 256 StartSound helo StartSoundLength 20 PropSound helo PropSoundLength 30 ShootSound gatling BombSound bomb Pilot 0 16 21 Passengers 1 Passenger 0 0 1 43 0 //Recipe Propeller metalPropeller Cockpit metalCockpit Wings metalWingSmall Bay passengerBay Tail metalTail //Dyes are None, Black, Red, Green, Brown, Blue, Purple, Cyan, LGrey, Grey, Pink, Lime, Yellow, LBlue, Magenta, Orange, White Dyes Black